What Is A Target Letter?

In white-collar crime cases it is common for a “target letter” to be delivered by the prosecutor during the course of the investigation. These letters are sent to people who are witnesses, and provide a date and time for these witnesses to appear before the Grand Jury. The recipient of such a letter is the “target” of the investigation. They are usually sent out during the pre-indictment stage of the criminal process, however if a target letter has been received by a party the investigation has already reached a point in which the prosecutor can link the recipient to the crime. The target letter will identify each alleged offense along with the statute, as well as the days and counties in which the offenses occurred. The implications of a target letter are severe, so if you were to receive one it is crucial that you see legal representation from an experienced attorney that can understand and explain the complexities of such an investigation.

Monday, September 17th, 2012 White Collar Crime

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